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Christian Dior R Dresses

Christian Dior R Dresses Christian Dior Rlogo Br Br Dress Br Br Br Br Logo Br Br SML

Christian Dior r classic jacquard slim fit Dresses. Christian Dior's logo jacquard has always been popular.

The high waist is naturally tucked in, so that the whole body will not feel constrained. The dress is slightly open, full of temperament, and can support a large table. It is simple and generous without being picky, and everyone can wear it.

Draping polyester fabric, strong drape, smooth and comfortable, wear-resistant and durable. Very textured, easy to manage and not easy to wrinkle, smooth and soft on the inside, adding comfort.

With its own printing background, full logo and partial jacquard, once you accept its unique setting, you will feel that it looks better and better!


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